I’m at CAPGEMINI as DevOps engineer, passionate since childhood about the world of computing sciences.
My skills are quite varied because I like to try and discover everything but I am currently based on two pillars: back-end development and the DevOps philosophy.
B.S.c, 2019
SUPINFO International University
Scientific Bachelor's degree, 2015
Fournir de manière industrialisée des projets sur la GCP livrés avec un ensemble de fonctionnalités facilitant son utilisation au sein de ADEO
Accompagner le client au quotidien dans son parcours au sein de la GCP
Lead Dev et référent Git
Méthodes agiles
Google Cloud Platform, Terraform, Python, Go, Docker, Kitchen (integration tool for developing and testing infrastructure code), Jira
Docker, Git, Jenkins, NodeJS
Symfony3/4, Laravel 5.4, ApiPlatform, Docker, Rancher, Jenkins, Python, Google Apis, Angular 4/5/6
Prestashop/SCSS, Symfony3/Twig, Docker
OpenVPN, Synology, Shell, Owncloud, Rsync